Helping you look and feel your best with the ENT doctor you can trust
Dedicated to helping you reach your goals
Whether you want to look better and feel younger or simply breathe easier when you have an allergy or sinus problem, you’ve come to the right place. Dole Baker, MD, has devoted over 15 years to helping thousands of satisfied patients with facial plastic surgery needs and ear, nose and throat problems.
Dr. Baker is one of the few physicians in South Carolina who is dual board-certified in facial plastic surgery and ear, nose and throat. His deep understanding of facial form and ENT head/neck function uniquely qualifies him to help you look and feel better.
Known for his personal style of care, he pays close attention to each person’s needs and spends time getting to know you. That’s one reason why three out of every four new patients are sent to Dr. Baker by other patients who are excited and happy with their own results.
Many patients who were helped by Dr. Baker for allergies or sinus problems also turned to him for a face lift or mini-lift. He rewarded their trust with great results that others can see for themselves.
When you’re ready to look and feel better, call Anderson ENT & Facial Plastics at 864.226.2822. You won’t go wrong with leading-edge care that’s backed by experience you can trust. And you don't need a physician referral to see us. For your convenience, you can also use our online Request an Appointment form to schedule your consultation with Dr. Dole P. Baker.